Lighthouse Tower Tours, Keeper's House and Gift Shop will reopen Spring 2025.
Please Check our Facebook page for updates.
Private Tours available upon request, please email:
Please note our grounds are open to the public from dawn to dusk.
Tickets may be purchased onsite the day you wish to visit the Tower and Gift shop.
Registation times are in 15 minute intervals. Limit of 6 guests per time slot.
Children must be at 45 inches tall to enter.
Shoes and shirts required.
No food or drink or smoking is permitted in the lighthouse tower.
Infants in carrying pouches are not allowed in the lighthouse.
Backpacks, large purses, large camera bags not allowed in the light room.
School and adult groups are very welcome but must be arranged in advance.
Chaperones are required to accompany the group at all times during the visit and assist in monitoring the group for appropriate behavior.
There is no parking for buses on site and turning around is difficult on narrow Nobska Road. Because of the low railroad bridge on Nobska Road the road is not a throughway. Smaller vehicles are advisable.
Nobska Light is in a quiet residential neighborhood. Please respect the neighbors' property and privacy.
No liability is accepted for personal items left unattended in or on the Nobska grounds.
Nobska Lighthouse is accessible for people with physical challenges. Please keep in mind that the lighthouse is on a hill and the path leading up is on an incline.