Kathleen Walrath, President
Patrick Burke, Vice President
Lara Balter, Treasurer & Clerk of Corporation
Carissa April
John Cook
Karen Falcone
David Forsberg
Jeannine Jeffrey
Stephen Levy
Robert Mascali
Jeffrey Thomas
Rose-Emily Calo
Sally Colacicco
Peter and Edna Collom
Elizabeth Colt
Lore Loftfield DeBower
John Dowling
Becky Sue Epstein
Kathryn Giardi
Kathryn Johnson
Phil Levy
Rocco Maffei
Greg Mazmanian
Brian Nickerson
Jonathan Pollon
Philip Richardson
Karen Rinaldo
John Scanlan
Margaret Sulanowska
George Vosgerichian
Thomas Walrath
William Russell Webster
Bridget Cammarata, Operations Manager
Donna Garcia, Education and Collections Manager
Mary Gray, Grant Writer
Kathryn Johnson, Social Media Support
Greg Mazmanian, Volunteer Coordinator
Capital Campaign Kathy Walrath
Facilities Pat Burke, John Scanlon and Jeff Thomas
Finance Lara Balter
Grants Kathy Walrath and Mary Gray
Museum Planning Kathy Walrath and Donna Garcia
Stewardship Kathy Walrath
Volunteers Greg Mazmanian
In 2015 the Town of Falmouth received a license from the United States Coast Guard for Nobska. Included in that agreement was a memorandum of understanding between the Town and the Friends of Nobska Light, Inc. (FoNL) which assigned full responsibility for restoration, preservation and establishment of a maritime museum to the FoNL.