The Friends of Nobska Light would like to thank Sarah, at the Center for Northern York's Knowledge Association, for finding us and sharing this guide to Lighthouses. Harry Rizzo, Media Specialist at CNYK, will be hosting a Maritime History educational series this week and will use some of the resources they've found on our website!
Join us in thanking them for sharing. Sarah's research also brought her here:
Modern technology has doomed the classic lighthouse. The Coast Guard, in its role as custodian, has automated all light stations in this country and, in the process, has eliminated the need for operating personnel. Although the almost 300-year-old era of manned light stations in this country has come to a close, those remaining symbols of our maritime heritage can, and should be, preserved for the enjoyment of future generations. As of 2019, over 100 historic lighthouses have been transferred to either private individuals or public or nonprofit entities, creating a unique preservation movement.
There are lots of lighthouses to see - 14 on the Cape alone, many dozens along New England's coast.
Find them here:
Lighthouse preservation is a national movement. Understand more about what motivates the movement and how preservationists fund their passion by visiting these websites.
United States Lighthouse Society
American Lighthouse Foundation
Race Point Light Station
Friends of Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouses
Cape Mendocino Preservation Society
Thunder Bay Island Lighthouse Preservation Society
New Point Comfort Lighthouse Preservation Task Force
Fire Island Lighthouse Preservation Society
Hudson-Athens Lighthouse Preservation Society
Detour Reef Light Preservation Society
Point Lookout Lighthouse Preservation Society
Nauset Light Preservation Society
Cape Henry Lighthouse - Preservation Virginia
Lighthouse Associations and Preservation Societies in Michigan
Turning Point Lighthouse Preservation Society
Friends of Rockland Harbor Lights
Brandywine Shoal Lighthouse Friends
Friends of Laquina Lighthouses
The Friends of Point Betsie Lighthouse